LaLa Land

3:33 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I feel like I'm floating around in lala land, and it is not a good feeling!

Today the tutor for the home bound program came for a history lesson. It was a huge weight off my shoulders! I thought I was sooooo far behind, but really I'm almost where my class is. I was really happy with that. :)

Right after the tutor left, I had to ask for a pain killer. Argh! They make me feel utterly awful! I keep trying to keep my eyes open by doing things to distract me...writing on here, texting friends, watching 90210...and it isn't working for me to well. I keep dozing off!!! It's a lose-lose situation though. I have to take the medicine because my foot kills, but hate the way the meds. make me feel. If I don't take the med. though, I can't bear the pain. Hopefully the pain will calm down would stink to fall asleep while seeing all my family that I don't see much at my aunt's house. lol

My mom and little brother went to the Easter Vigil mass tonight. My cousin is recieving her sacraments tonight and my mom is her sponsor. I couldn't go because of my foot. So it's just me and my dad tonight. :) Right now we're just watching golf. All I can do is hope something a little more eventful will happen. lol! :)

Have a lovely Easter!


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